MVP Group gets into Hollywood filmmaking

The MVP Group, under the leadership of Filipino business magnate Manuel V. Pangilinan, is set to make a significant mark in the global film industry by producing a Hollywood romantic comedy film set in the Philippines. The venture not only showcases the country’s scenic landscapes but also aims to highlight Filipino culture on the international stage.

We were there to witness it all, thanks to the Hollywood film’s lead producer Ernesto “Bong” Sta. Maria Jr., who told us the reason behind the investment when we sat down with him at Mediaquest’s Launchpad office on Sheridan St. last week.

“One is MVP has it in his heart to help the film industry. I suppose there are two ways to look at that. One is to attract more Hollywood outfits to come and do filming in the Philippines. And then the other one is to shout to the world, here we are. We are ready to join the global competition,” he shared.

Renowned director Donald Petrie, known for his work on “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days,” has been tapped to helm the project. The film will be shot entirely in the Philippines, hopefully this summer. It is offering international audiences a glimpse into the nation’s rich heritage and picturesque locales.

Sta. Maria added that the investment by the MVP Group is true to one of its core goals, which is nation building.

Donald Petrie meets MediaQuest executives Jeff Remigio, Sienna Olaso, and president and CEO Jane Basas.

“We want to showcase to the world how beautiful not only the scenery of the country is but also we want to share with them our Filipino culture. That is very admirable,” said he.

The film may have Hollywood stars to topbill it, but the heart of the story will also have A-list Filipino actors who will do the job of showcasing the best of the best when it comes to our hospitality and values and translate it on screen.

In true Hollywood fashion though, these actors were not handpicked. They went for an audition last week, which lasted for about 45 minutes to an hour each in front of international co-producer Raja Collins, Petrie and Sta. Maria’s team.

We asked director Petrie how he found our A-list auditionees.

The author interviews director Donald, as well as producers Roja Collins and Bong Sta. Maria, after the auditions.

“So far in the beginning of the auditions, I know it feels sometimes (like), it is us against them. That they have to prove something to us. Well, it is just the opposite! It makes our jobs easy when the actors are great and it has been great!” he said.

Well, it is no secret that we have the best of the best when it comes to Filipino talent. We also took a peek and saw how it all went down and what we can just say is that it was a pretty intense script that they threw lines on. The MVP Group’s foray into Hollywood film production signifies a strategic move to elevate the Philippines’ presence in the global entertainment arena.

By collaborating with highly regarded Hollywood greats like Petrie, the group aims to produce content that resonates with both local and international audiences. The project was not a walk in the park though and was slowly but surely calculated to come to life.

According to Sta. Maria, “It took two years in the making. MVP sent me out there to find a top-notch scriptwriter and you know that we got Karen McCullah of the famous ‘Legally Blonde.’ And then fortunately, we were also able to engage director Donald Petrie.

“The other fascinating aspect of it, too, is we were able to sign up this famous cinematographer who was involved in  ‘Titanic’ and ‘Avatar,’ Oscar award winner Russell Carpenter. That is the latest addition to the creative.”

The decision to produce a Hollywood film in the Philippines is anticipated to have a positive impact on the local economy, especially on the island where the Hollywood team will be filming for weeks. It also hopes to stimulate tourism and encourage further international productions to consider the Philippines as a viable shooting location.

The MVP Group’s initiative serves as a testament to the growing capabilities and ambitions of the Philippine entertainment industry. It marks a significant milestone in the Philippines’ cultural and economic landscape. But of course, we have high hopes about the entertainment value, too.

SOURCE: MVP Group gets into Hollywood filmmaking |